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Year: 2022

Legal medications can lead to OWI charges

Many people assume that they won’t face criminal charges in connection to taking prescription medications that are prescribed to them or over-the-counter medicines that they use in accordance with the instructions. While this is the case most of the time, there’s one...

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Why would someone lie about a sexual encounter?

The police inform you that they're investigating you for an alleged sexual encounter that happened while you were at college. They claim that the other person says that you took advantage of them when they hadn't given you their consent to do so. Or perhaps they claim...

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Can an OWI blood test be wrong?

If you have been accused of operating a vehicle while intoxicated, then you may have had breath and blood samples taken. These samples can then be used as evidence against you in court. While it may seem like this kind of evidence would be foolproof, the reality is...

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What is the fruit of the poisonous tree?

One important doctrine to be aware of if you're facing criminal charges is the fruit of the poisonous tree. This idea may pertain to your case, and it could help to get evidence excluded from court.  Essentially, this doctrine says that if evidence has been gathered...

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